Skincare care tools and devices are becoming more and more popular these days, most of us heard about the sonic face cleansing devices or jade rollers. Why do we love them so much? And how they can help us in our day-to-day skincare routine? Beauty gadgets can really...
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Wiosenne porządki w pielęgnacyjnej kosmetyczce – na jakie produkty stawiamy w sezonie wiosennym” – WIDEO W JĘZYKU POLSKIM
W dzisiejszym wideo zabierzemy się za wiosenne porządki w naszej pielęgnacyjnej kosmetyczce. A więc, jeśli uwazasz, że oprócz garderoby, wartoby odświeżyć także toaletkę z kosmetykami, to ten film będzie dla Ciebie! W tym wideo dowiesz się o tym, co warto mieć w...
Spring trends 2021 – at the professional beauty studio. NEW SERVICES at Beauty by Joanna
In this video I will tell you about the spring trends at the professional beauty studio for 2021. Firstly I will talk about the professional beauty industry in general first and then I will move on to the most popular spring treatments available at Beauty by Joanna....
SPRING SEASON 2021 in the post-lockdown Beauty Industry
This is the time of the year when the days are getting longer, the wind gets warmer and the air is infused with the fresh aroma of the flowering plants…March is here and the spring is just around the corner. While we are taking the layers of clothes off, we are...
Moje TOP 10 PRODUKTÓW do pielęgnacji twarzy – perełki pielęgnacyjne, które musisz poznać
W dzisiejszym wideo pokażę Wam moje top 10 produktów pielęgnacyjnych do twarzy, bez których nie wyobrażam sobie swojej pielęgnacji. Mam nadzieję, ze ten filmik okaże dla Was pomocny, dajcie proszę znać w komentarzach, czy używacie ktoregokolwiek z tych kosmetyków, a...
LET’S START FROM THE BEGINNING – Simple Skincare at Home Explained. Daily Morning & Evening Routine
In this video, I will show you how to organise your basic skincare, what products you should consider using, and which ones are better to avoid, as well as showing you my product recommendations. So if taking care of your skin was one of your new year’s resolutions,...
5 Simple Winter Skincare Rules – Which Will Save Your Skin
Can you imagine, we have already flew by the first month of 2021? Statistically, February is the cruellest month of the year, so it might a good idea to prepare ourselves for it. Warm clothes, fluffy blankets, warm tea and crackling fire will become an absolute...
How to create and organise your daily skincare
Hello, 2021…right so where shall I start? New year, usually means planning, making resolutions and setting up goals. And there is nothing wrong with that, as long as we are making reasonable decisions, not unrealistic goals. Like, for example, in my case, “I will be...
In this video I have decided I am going to sit down and show you what I have bought during the Black Friday Promotions week, and although I have bought them nearly two weeks ago, most of these items are still available at those discounted prices and I think they might...
Christmas Collagen Renewal – Świąteczna Kolagenowa Odnowa – wideo po polsku
Christmas Collagen Renewal is my most popular face treatment in the festive season, reason being, it gives you spectacular results, even after one treatment. You skin is deeply cleansed, refreshed, rejuvenated, the skin tone is even and the structure is smooth. Plus...
2020 – The Year of online shopping
I don’t think I have to say that this year the Christmas season will be a whole new world different to the previous years.When observing marketing campaigns and adverts, we could probably notice that many people started their Christmas adventures right after the 1st...
Are beauty products essential?
Recently we hear a lot about essentials…but what actually is essential? This word may mean different things to different people. Would it be just food and hygienic products? Or shall we include here cleaning products as well? For example, quite recently there was a...
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